Corporate Governance

Code of Conduct

The Board of Directors seeks to be the highest standards in code of conduct and ethical standards. The Company has prepared a number of policies and procedures that support it. These include rules for the following:

Professional Ethics

The Board of Directors has approved the policy for Code of Conduct and Professional ethics which illustrate the standards that must be adhered to by all members of the Board of Directors, employees and related parties in their dealings that contribute to the establishment of honesty, integrity and ethical behavior in all dealings with values, whether inside or outside the Company. 

Related Party Transactions

The Board of Directors has approved the policy for transactions with related parties. This policy sets out the guidelines for executing such transactions and the mechanism that is adopted and disclosed in accordance with international standards and the Company’s Articles of Association and instructions issued by regulatory authorities.

Conflict of Interest

The Board of Directors has approved the policy to deal with the conflicts of interest and its mechanism to comply and disclose with the laws and the requirements of regulatory authorities. It requires the employees not to use the Company’s resources or misuse the power and authority for their own interest or affect the interests of the Company.  The Company’s policy describes the oversight responsibilities for the implementation of the conflict of interest policy through Internal Audit, Risk Management, and Audit and Risk management committees of the Company.

Confidentiality and security of information

The Board of Directors and the Executive Management and staff are committed to maintain the confidentiality of the information and data related to the Company and stakeholders’ rights with respect to the customer’s information, suppliers and personnel data, in accordance with the rules stipulated in the laws and instructions issued by regulatory authorities in this regard. The Company applies information security policy and procedures to protect the security of information

Whistle Blowing Policy

The Company is committed to the highest standards of integrity, honesty, ethical values and laws in all dealings of its employees or through dealing with stakeholders. Therefore, the company has approved the whistle blowing policy and procedures that ensure freedom of reporting of the illegal and unethical violations or practices via direct communication channels with the Chairman of the Board of Director through the Complaints Units in the company and in a way ensures confidentiality and full protection of the reporting person against any damage may be sustained by him. Therefore, this policy determines the obvious guidelines and procedures for reporting by the company’s staff and other main stakeholders of any violations. Also, it allows reporting of any concerns by the board members, previous employees, consultants, suppliers, contractors and any other party who has a work relation with the company.

This policy shall be applied to the process of reporting of all types of violations and wrong, illegal and unethical conducts that breaching the law and legislations or these practices that violate the company’s policies, values and principles. This policy shall be applied to all board members, present employees, previous employees, consultants, suppliers, clients, contractors and/ or any other parties having work or common interests with the company without any discrimination among them. This policy is considered as complementary to the laws and regulations promulgated by the relevant regulators without taking its place.

The reports may be submitted directly via email to the Complaints Unit (  or  to send the complaint directly in closed  confidential envelope to the company’s address, Attn.: Mr. John Z. Magli, Complaints Unit in the company.


طلب وظيفة

الرجاء كتابة جميع البيانات ادناه و تحميل ملف السيرة الذاتية