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We continue developing unique relationships with our clients and long-term partnerships built on trust and prudence.

KMEFIC offers expertise across wealth management disciplines to help clients advance towards their goals. The insights KMEFIC brings are the result of more that 30 years of experience of helping individuals and institutions grow, manage and sustain their wealth.

At KMEFIC, we use the best ideas and highly experienced and dedicated teams with significant experience in trading and analysis to manage your assets. We manage capital using our extensive knowledge of the markets (GCC and region) interfaced with a personal relationship of trust and confidence.

Our investment strategy team is constantly generating macroeconomic forecasts and investment scenarios to assist you and your manager in your decisions. These forecasts and scenarios combine company studies with the quantitative and technical analyses carried out by our Financial Research team to provide recommendations by geographical region. 

Each client’s situation is unique, as are the solutions we provide. Depending on your needs, we will make our wealth of expertise available to you in terms of asset allocation and select the best internal and external products, so that we can build a coherent portfolio for you that perform well over the long term.

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الرجاء كتابة جميع البيانات ادناه و تحميل ملف السيرة الذاتية